Winter 2021 - Issue 166
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Barrow Catch-up

Barrow in Bloom – footpaths group

£500 funding from Dobbies Garden Centre has enabled volunteers to start the Bloom project to renovate the Bridge Street amenity area by Proctor’s Park entrance. They want to put out a big ‘thank you’ out to all of you who voted for them.

 Footpaths Group hard at work 

Barrow in Bloom – rose beds 

Volunteer work finally began on renovating the old rose beds at Holy Trinity Church and it will probably be finished by the time you read this, although we won’t enjoy the benefits until next summer.

 working on the old rose beds in Holy Trinity gardens 



After hearing that prime minister, Boris Johnson, used his party conference speech to signal a brownfield-first approach to new building as he spoke out against the building of new homes on greenfield sites, I immediately contacted Barrow’s MP, Jane Hunt (conservative) for a comment about the building proposals in Barrow (see last issue’s Barrow Voice). At the time of going to print, there has been no response.


As from January the gardening club will be changing its meetings pattern to include afternoons as well as evening meetings, giving a total of 18 events throughout the year. The club will normally meet at the Methodist Church on the first Wednesday of the month at 2pm and on the third Wednesday at 7.00pm. Meetings may vary for some months and the details of the new programme will be available in January on Facebook or by emailing

Annual membership will be £7.50 and £1.00 per meeting. Non-members are welcome for £3.00 per meeting. The annual trip to Bridgewater (a RHS garden) will be on May 18th 2022 at a cost of £15.00 for members and £23.00 for non-members.





Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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The Editor 62 Sileby Road, Barrow on Soar, LE12 8LR