In the autumn of 2004, the Disability Discrimination Act comes into force. With this in mind the Parish Council will be reassessing the play
areas to see if there is anything practical we can do to improve the areas for disabled children. If you have a disabled child in Barrow and
wish to make any comment on the usability of the play areas, the Council would like to hear from you.
In the longer term the Council does have a policy of improving the play areas over time. If you have knowledge of any particular piece of
equipment which you know to be particularly popular, we would be interested in your opinions. We do not have a large amount of money for
this but we do put a little aside each year for future use, as well as continuously checking the safety and suitability of existing equipment.
Councillor Malcolm Norcott
' Models' Liz Wells and Sue Sykes on Radio Leicester |
The ladies from the Rainbow's League of Butterflies are pleased to report that they are
already heading towards raising £5,000 from the sale of their 'saucy' charity calendar.
It is hoped now in the run up to Christmas that the remaining stock will be sold and they
will be able to hand over a large cheque to the worthy Rainbow's Children's Hospice
Appeal. Local Radio Stations, Radio Leicester and OAK FM have already interviewed a few
of the 'models' on air and have been excellent in promoting sales and auctioning a
signed calendar. All the 'calendar girls' have agreed that they are enjoying their few minutes of fame, as a one off experience! It not only is very good fun, but involves a lot of
hard work, so it's good to see it now paying off.
Rainbow's need to raise the amazing sum of £1.6 million each year to survive, and they
have again reached the target this year and they wish to thank everyone who contributed
in any way to help them in this achievement.
I visited the hospice at the annual open day and it was easy to see why so much money is
needed. Every comfort is made available to the terminally ill child and his or her family.
They need to cater for the needs of a newborn child to a 19-year-old teenager.
The multi sensory room alone is quite an experience, as is the Jacuzzi, but for me the
most moving experience came in the music therapy area. One of the children had made
a tape for visitors to listen to and there wasnít a dry eye when it was played. There were
also 'musical instruments' for all, no matter how severe the handicap. Contrary to what
you might believe the whole place had an air of cheerfulness about it, which was down to
the dedicated staff who obviously delighted in their work.
There are several ways you can support Rainbow's (even if you don't fancy a calendar!!) They are launching a Rainbow's
lottery in January where for just a commitment of £1.00 per week you could
win £1,000 or one of many runner-up cash prizes. Richard Roberts in Leicester is holding
an 'Open Night' on 25th November where 15% of all takings on the night are donated
to the hospice. Admission is £2.00 per head including wine & nibbles; Leicester
Racecourse is having a 'Bonfire Party' on 1st November and there are many more ideas
including their own charity Christmas cards and gift-wrap.
If you would like any more information on the above or would like to purchase a calendar
(also available in Barrow from Rachel's on North Street) please contact Sue Sykes on
07733 132164 or contact
Council decides to continue publishing 'Focus'
You may have read recently in Barrow Focus published by Barrow Parish Council that there
was a possibility that Christmas would see the
last edition of the Focus. The council was looking at the possibility of communicating
with the village through sponsored pages in Barrow Voice.
It is no secret that there has been considerable debate about this question at recent council meetings. However the outcome is that the
Council's preference is to continue with the Focus. Barrow Voice will, as always, continue to cover any village issue which it considers
interesting and newsworthy and looks forward to doing so in the New Year.