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Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 505692.

Our Team

Frances Thompson - 414068

John Lockwood - 415314

Distribution & Churches
John Thursby - 412467

David Rodgers - 412063

Young Barrow & Arts
Karisa Kcrmar - 412184

Diary & Subscriptions
Ann Higgins - 412746

Ginny Willcocks
Lillian Middleton

Karisa Kcrmar
Frances Thompson

Hayley Francesconi

Katherine Thompson

Web Site
James Thompson

Artwork & Print
Piano Street - 621325

Advertising Deadline
23rd April 2003

Summerr Copy Deadline
30th April 2003

Copy to:
The Editor
17 North Street
Barrow upon Soar
Leics LE12 8PZ



Elsewhere on the site you can read about Harris’ Garage closing, following Don Mitchell’s retirement. As Alan Willcocks says in his article, it is great that closures and moves are being made for positive reasons. ‘Know How’s computer business outgrew their premises and they have moved into Loughborough. Barrow Parish Council has established an office and meeting room in their old premises. ‘Frame It’ has also moved to a larger shop (the old launderette) and locals and visitors alike are drawn to its attractive windows. Their previous shop is now Jane Gilks hairdressers. In turn ‘Eyecare’ has established a local optician’s service in Jane’s old salon.

Jane Gilks hair salon, high street

The Alliance & Leicester agency has moved up to opposite the old Barrow News building. The latter is now offices upstairs and a facility for meeting and training for hire downstairs. The shop until recently occupied by Wartburgs is currently empty and we look forward to a new venture taking over.

Another retirement is David Mills and his wife who ran Barrow Hardware on Warner Street. They provided a friendly and helpful service since before I came to the village and we wish them a happy retirement. I have to say my favourite shop on the High Street is Sylvias the florist at number 17 - I know the number as I sometimes get her post by mistake. Entering her shop is like looking into a jewel box - brilliant colours, gorgeous blooms ranging from the natural to the exotic. Do you have a favourite shop in Barrow or a local shopping story of friendliness or exemplary service? Drop us a line or log on to the website and let us know.


The County Council is currently asking for views on the effectiveness of Barrow’s traffic calming measures on High Street and North Street. But the questions it is asking have been meaningless over the past few weeks. The flooding in the Soar Valley on a very regular basis this winter followed by the closure of the bridge on the A60 has meant near grid lock both in and out of the village at peak times. Speed has not been the issue but congestion and pollution have.

It is great to see the High Street thriving with new and expanding businesses but how much more pleasant it would be to shop and stop for a chat with friends without the constant passing, and recently queuing traffic and the resultant pollution. There is no easy answer. People need to get to work and school and they will understandably take the shortest route. We have removed the lorries which used to thunder through Barrow but can we reduce the cars to make it a pleasanter place to live? If you have a view, please let us know.