“Oh yes it is!” that time of year again. The village panto
group started their rehearsals last September to bring you
a production of spectacular dimensions called “The Old Woman
who Lived in a Shoe”.
fabulous props and scenery, designed and built by our very
own Bob (the Builder) Mee and his support team, colourful
costumes from Tilly and anyone else who could sew. Music,
led by the “maestro”, Debs on the piano and produced once
again by Sue Rodgers, aided and abetted by Gordon, Carol and
Ginny, we all hoped you enjoyed the show.
The production this year was been totally hand-produced with
the plot focussed on the eviction of Mother Hubbard and all
her children, and there are a considerable number of them,
from the shoe house. The efforts by the children to stay together,
to support mum with numerous moneymaking schemes whilst dad
was away, trying to make his fortune on Castaway Island!
the traditional panto ingredients were included, slapstick,
the goodies v the baddies, the love story, audience participation
and everyone lived happily ever after. By the time you read
this the group will be planning next yearís extravaganza.
If you enjoyed the show and you would like to be more involved
with this annual village event, you know what to do! “Oh yes
you do!”
Ring Sue 01509 416533 or Ginny 01509 413996
It is quite right of course that Barrow Voice should focus on events in Barrow. It is also important to remember the opportunities
that living in Barrow between two universities offers us. I came not surprisingly to this view while attending a concert at the new
Cope Auditorium at Loughborough University.
On Thursday 6 February the University Arts Centre gave us the opportunity to hear the Maggini Quartet in concert. The setting
was ideal: intimate enough for a string quartet; large enough for the appreciative audience. The staff are enthusiastic, helpful
and welcoming. The facilities are excellent.
More important though was the rare opportunity to hear an internationally acclaimed award winning quartet within ten minutes
drive of Barrow. The Maggini Quartet is probably best known to most for championing and recording twentieth century English
music on the ‘Naxos’ label. The Quartet comprises : Laurence Jackson,violin; David Angel, violin; Martin Outram,viola and
Michal Kaznowski, ‘cello. The Quartet takes its name from the second most famous violin maker, Maggini; an example of
whose work is played by David Angel..
The programme for the evening was perfectly balanced opening
with Haydn’s Quartet in D major which, while it has its moments
of reflection, is predominantly witty and vivacious. This
was followed by the highlight of the evening for me: a very
rare opportunity to hear the work of Frank Bridge in performance.
Bridge is probably the most under-rated twentieth century
composer overshadowed for many by his pupil Benjamin Britten.
The selection for the evening was Bridge’s String Quartet
No. 4. This piece gave the Magginis the opportunity to demonstrate
their profound technical mastery as well as their passion
for Bridge’s work. The ‘cello playing was for me a highlight
of this piece.
The performance closed with more familiar territory: Beethoven’s String Quartet in A minor with its slow and deeply emotional
All in all this was a splendid evening and a rare opportunity to hear a performance of this quality outside the major cities. At
£7 (concessions £6) it also represented outstanding value for money.
We are indeed fortunate in having Loughborough University Arts Centre on our doorstep. For information on forthcoming
productions, ring the centre on 01509 222 899 or log onto
or for information about a wider range of events