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Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 505692.

Our Team

Frances Thompson - 414068

John Lockwood - 415314

Distribution & Churches
John Thursby - 412467

David Rodgers - 412063

Young Barrow & Arts
Karisa Kcrmar - 412184

Diary & Subscriptions
Ann Higgins - 412746

Ginny Willcocks
Lillian Middleton

Karisa Kcrmar
Frances Thompson

Hayley Francesconi

Katherine Thompson

Web Site
James Thompson

Artwork & Print
Piano Street - 621325

Advertising Deadline
23rd April 2003

Summerr Copy Deadline
30th April 2003

Copy to:
The Editor
17 North Street
Barrow upon Soar
Leics LE12 8PZ



It's difficult to believe that it was way back in 1996 that the Mayor of Marans officially opened the Roundhouse. Only one member of the original team who was instrumental in securing the Roundhouse for community use is still involved for the 2003 season.

It is important here to record our thanks to David Rodgers, who had the bright idea of using the Roundhouse to display the Village Map. David was one of the original 'gang of four' and has been chief 'fixer' ever since, organising rotas, arranging bookings with the Museums service and doing many other practical things - which he is so good at.

Thanks are also due to Lilian Middleton who for a number of years has fired our enthusiasm to try different displays and exhibits. This included an unforgettable visit to the museums store in Lutterworth where we unearthed some very interesting artefacts on very dusty shelves.

David and Lilian are now concentring their efforts on different things. Hayley Francesconi, Frances Thompson, aided and abetted by Pat Mitchell are taking this season's programme forward. If anyone is keen to join them or has ideas for future displays, please contact Hayley on 621118.

Back by popular demand - Arthouse III

The Roundhouse will open for 2003 on Saturday April 19 with a season of arts and crafts by local people. There will be some old favourites and new exhibitors - all will be worth popping in for a few minutes on Saturday morning, 10am-12 noon.

Keeping it local

The message you have given us over the years is that you prefer local exhibits and exhibitors. Arthouse III will be followed be several weeks dedicated to local youth groups. Hayley will be contacting you over the next few weeks to see if you are interested in taking part.

The Roundhouse will close during the summer school holidays this year on 5 July and reopen with more of the same on 13 September.

Watch out for more details and dates of who is doing what, when nearer the time.



On Monday 27th January, Barrow Library launched its three new computers to local residents. Linda Phelpstead, our librarian with ICT responsibility, explained to visitors what is on offer.

Library Computers

Barrow has three PCs providing free access to the Internet, email and office packages including Word, Excel, Publisher and Powerpoint. Although access is free, in the week following the launch, I didn't see a computer without a user so you will soon need to start booking your turn. Initially, you can book for up to an hour.

There are also free taster sessions on using the Internet, email or how to research your family history. Again, you will need to book and the waiting list is already growing. The sessions are given by Linda or by Ann Brine, our Group Librarian. They are for real beginners. When I popped in, the three learners looked totally absorbed, unthreatened and generally rather pleased with themselves. So, GO FOR IT!

Judith Rodgers


By the time you are reading this article, an advert will have appeared in The Church Times and website, asking for suitable applicants to become the Priest in charge of Holy Trinity Church, Barrow, and its sister church in Walton. The deadline for applicants was 21st February.

Whoever chose to apply must realise that this parish is home to a growing population of over six and a half thousand people, and because of the way the church is re-organising its vicars and Priests, the responsibilities of their job will begin to extend further than they do today.

Stepping into this important role means working closely with local schools and families, communicating regularly with neighbouring parishes, offering theological stimulation and challenge and, of course, spiritual leadership.

The panel conducting the interviews includes the Arch Deacon, the Rural Dean and three elected representatives from Barrow and Walton. This means that it should not be too long before we hear who is to be taking over from Rev'd Stephen Mitchell.

Hayley Francesconi


Parish Council elections will soon be upon us again so there are two questions for us all to ask ourselves

A. Are you thinking of standing for election to the Council?

I have been told that six of our present Councillors will not be standing for re-election. So, we need new blood.

Interested? If so, you will have to have your nomination form in to the Borough Council no later than noon on Tuesday, 1st April. Nomination forms can be obtained from Lesley Bell at the Parish Council Office in High Street, or from the office of the Electoral Registration Officer at Southfields in Loughborough.

Interior of the Parish Office

Apart from filling in your nomination form, there may be certain preparation needed to satisfy yourself that you want the job. You will need to be free to attend Council meetings at 7.15 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month and to serve on one of the sub-committees. Any of the present Councillors (contact details from Lesley - 416016) will, I am sure, be pleased to talk to you about what is involved.

You will have to observe the code of conduct dealing with matters such as confidentiality, not bringing the Council into disrepute, not using your position for political purposes and not obtaining any personal advantage from your position on the Council.

It has long been the case that any Councillor having a personal interest in a matter under discussion must disclose this. Personal interest extends to family as distant as partners of uncles and aunts. If the interest is such as to be likely to influence the Councillor's judgment, he/she must withdraw from the meeting and not attempt to influence the outcome.

What is new is that there is now a register of Councillors' interests in the Council Office which is available for anyone to inspect. I did so while preparing to write this article, though I have to say that it did not contain any surprises.

Councillors have to declare their employment or business and the identity of their employer, ownership of or right to occupy land within the Parish boundary, control of any company that operates or owns land within the Parish boundary, certain contracts with the Parish Council.

This is only a summary and full details can be seen by reading the 'Ethical Framework'. There is a copy in the Parish Council Office, or you could obtain a copy from the Borough Council, or you could go to

You should also know that there is a 'whistleblowing' clause. Any Councillor who thinks that another has failed to make appropriate disclosure is under an obligation to report this. Four years ago, there were only enough nominations to fill the available spaces, so there was no vote. Let's see if we can do better this time. It is important to the village that we have an efficient, effective Council.

B. Will you vote?

If there are enough nominations to require a poll, this will be on Thursday, 1 May. Details of the timing and place will appear nearer the time, but you normally go to the Church Rooms in Church Street between 8.00 a.m. and 9.00 p.m.

Alternatively, if this is not convenient, you can apply to the Electoral Registration Officer for a postal vote. Anyone with mobility difficulties will find this convenient, as will someone who will be on holiday or working away at the time. If you wish to vote this way, you will have had to register your vote by 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday 23 April.

Details of the candidates will be shown in the Council noticeboard outside the Library and maybe also in the window of the new Parish Council Office in the High Street.