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Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 505692.

Our Team

Frances Thompson - 414068

John Lockwood - 415314

Distribution & Churches
John Thursby - 412467

David Rodgers - 412063

Young Barrow & Arts
Karisa Kcrmar - 412184

Diary & Subscriptions
Ann Higgins - 412746

Ginny Willcocks
Lillian Middleton

Karisa Kcrmar
Frances Thompson

Hayley Francesconi

Katherine Thompson

Web Site
James Thompson

Artwork & Print
Piano Street - 621325

Advertising Deadline
23rd April 2003

Summerr Copy Deadline
30th April 2003

Copy to:
The Editor
17 North Street
Barrow upon Soar
Leics LE12 8PZ



MEETING REPORT - Tuesday 11th March 2003

The Community Association recently arranged a meeting for representatives of all the village organisations to discuss items of common interest. The primary purpose was to investigate the setting up of a village web site.

Screenshot of Barrows page on the  Leicestershire villages website Forty two groups were contacted and twenty six of them accepted the invitation - an encouraging response. Over thirty people watched Sean Clark and Tina Britt, from Leicestershire Rural Partnership giving a demonstration of the site. If you go to and click on “Charnwood” and then “Barrow on Soar”, you will see that the village web site is already there, waiting to be used. You will also see that it already has links to Barrow Voice.

There was an overwhelming agreement that the site will be really useful and it is clearly very easy to use, even for people who are frightened of the INTERNET. A team of four people agreed to take on the responsibility of administering and promoting the site. They are Simon Richards, Jonathon Billington, John Thursby and Judith Rodgers.

By the end of the meeting, very many others were already planning how they could design a web page for their organisation. Training is offered free by Leicestershire Rural Partnership. If you want to create a web page for your organisation on the site, you have to register first and then apply to become a “page editor”. All of this is easy, quick and free!

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE SITE AND/OR THE TRAINING, WHY NOT email JUDITH RODGERS ON or log on to the site itself. Even better, if you would like to join the Administrator’s team, Judith would love to hear from you.

Representatives were also invited to suggest other possible village projects. As a consequence of this part of the meeting, a working party was created to look into the feasibility of acquiring a village hall. IF THIS IS SOMETHING THAT ATTRACTS YOUR INTEREST, WHY NOT CONTACT TED RODGERS ON 01509 416533.

By the end of the meeting, Stuart McBride had found the whole evening so worthwhile that he volunteered to repeat the exercise in three months time. He said it had been very interesting to hear about the projects and concerns of other groups and we ought to do it more often. SO IF YOU ARE THE CONTACT FOR A VILLAGE ORGANISATION AND YOU DIDN’T COME TO TUESDAY’S MEETING, PERHAPS YOU MIGHT MAKE THE NEXT ONE!