In March 2003, the Community Association invited ‘movers and shakers’ of the village to a meeting to discuss, amongst other things, what
interest there might be in ‘signing on’ for the new website.The conclusion was overwhelmingly: GO FOR IT! So the
Community Association got going.
A small group of Site Administrators was formed to manage the site. Currently, they are John Nurse, Simon Richards, Judith Rodgers and John
Thursby. Over time, they have invited village organisations to take charge of their own page. Some have been reluctant; others hugely
enthusiastic.The Site Administrators have, themselves, also created map links, shopping features, discussion forum links, Pubs and Restaurants
in Barrow and many other new and hopefully useful sections of the website.They organised a competition a year ago in Barrow Voice to
encourage the public to log on to the site to see what was there.
By November of last year, the village website was getting an average of 1000 hits per month.
In November of this year, the website got 2700 hits in the month.The best ever month was May 2004, immediately after the site had a major
‘refurbishment’ and after we added our ‘Shopping in Barrow’ section. May boasted 3500 hits.
Today, 29 village community groups have their own pages. All have been visited at least 6 times in the month, even when there was nothing on
the page! The Gardening Club had 37 hits; Methodist Church had 18; Neighbourhood Watch had 34; the Parish Council had 29 hits on the
village website page although they now have their own site; and Barrow Play Group had 15 hits. However, the ACCOLADE must go to
Barrow Gambia Link with a magnificent 141 hits in November alone! Well done, young Scott Maloney and your leaders Stuart Mcbride and
Steve Maw. We learn a very important lesson from you: If you keep the site up-to-date with new, interesting sections and lots of photos,
people will keep revisiting your site.
Of course quite a lot of village organisations have their
own websites. Some are linked to
Others perhaps are not.
- We would love to invite you to make the link if you haven’t already.
Some of the other village pages that are well visited include: Humphrey Perkins High School and Community Centre (131 hits in November);
restaurants and takeaways (39); village pubs (65); village street map (84); village street photographs (60); village diary (27); Who Goes (new
update) (29); local news (65) and local history (36).
Several people have suggested that a section on ‘Tourist and Leisure opportunities around Barrow’ would be really helpful.
Certainly, I would have found it useful in the summer when I was entertaining my grandchildren with trips here and there.
- So if you have recently been somewhere fun or interesting from Barrow, do contact me.We can do the research; we just
need the ideas.
- If your interest in this village website has been whetted, just log on to The site is very easy to explore.
- If you would like to get more involved,we would welcome additions to the administration team.You don’t have to be an expert.
- If you have a friend who has left Barrow to live elsewhere (what an unimaginable thing to do!), why not suggest that they log onto the
village website to keep up to date.They could register themselves and make their own contributions, like Harry Squires does from Canada
or if your organisation would now like its own page, we can fix that up very easily.We can also help you to manage your page if you need
help (although it is really easy).
To contact me (Judith Rodgers), phone 412063 or email me
There is now an outreach worker in Charnwood to give support to
men, women and children who are experiencing domestic abuse and
Support can be provided over the phone or face to face. In these
kinds of situations, emotional support is often the most important -
you do not have to suffer alone. Information can also be provided on
a wide range of areas, including housing, benefits and legal issues and
there is the support if needed when visiting solicitors etc.
Visits can be arranged at the client’s house or at the office. Donna
can be contacted on 01509 552549 Monday - Friday 8.30-5.00 but
there is a confidential answer phone service out of hours.
Donna is also available to give short awareness raising sessions in
Charnwood to any organisation which would like to find out more
about the options and support available.
Towards the end of the school summer holidays, Humphrey Perkins learned that a pupil from
Hungary would be joining them. His name is Zsombor Baranyai and he joined year seven in September.
He has been telling me about how he came to be in this country and what he thinks of Barrow!
Zsombor’s father was working as a hair stylist when he was ‘discovered’ and asked to come to Britain
to work in Franco Pizzalon’s salon in Barrow. Before long, the family, Zsombor, his younger brother,
mother and father were packing their things to start a new life in this village!
I asked Zsombor how he felt about the move and his new school. He said that at first, it was very
hard learning a new language but it is getting easier! He finds school interesting, saying it is a colourful
building and it is good that it is close to where he now lives. At his old school they didn’t have to wear
a uniform, but the days were longer. The main differences are the houses, the food, the countryside and
the weather!
He likes Barrow because it is a ‘nice, friendly village’.
Hayley Francesconi
Once again, the village has responded most generously to this
appeal. The excellent sum of £2512.90 has been collected, which
will be increased to £2701.75 when £188.85 is reclaimed from
the Inland Revenue through gift-aided donations. It is very
encouraging that in the first year it has been possible to gift aid a
donation. Nearly £200 has been gained in this way
Our thanks go to all who have contributed and to the wonderful
team of 64 collectors, who so willingly give their time; without all this
support, nothing would be achieved. It is greatly appreciated by Loros.
Rosemary & Michael Sholl
We can help.
You can influence decisions made about the future of your local area so that changes protect and enhance the environment of the environment and
benefit everyone.
Local Development Frameworks (LDF) will soon replace the current Local
Plan system and will shape future development in your area.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has developed
a web site showing how to make your voice heard on the decisions
that will affect and shape your environment.
A very successful W.E.A. course was run at Humphrey Perkins High School in the Autumn term. Students transcribed wills, inventories,
terriers and tithes with the expert guidance of Dr Anne Tarver. She gave transcriptions of some local 17th Century wills to Barrow Library.
Your family could be named in them. The Committee is hoping that Anne will return to Barrow in the future.
In January 2004 the W.E.A. offers the possibility of discovering lapsed local traditions with Steve Tunnicliff. (What is Hallaton Bottle Kicking?)
If Rolf Harris's Big Draw has enthused you, Margarita Poulter offers Great Artists for your delight. Geologist Albert Horton has agreed to talk
about the rocks under our feet.
Look out for publicity or contact John Thursby (01509 412467)or Sue Hobbs (01509 414077) for details.