Barrow Voice      First Publised 1975

            Issue 159 Spring 2020

3,234 copies published quarterly and delivered FREE to all households in Barrow upon Soar

Barrow Pre-School Playgroup

Barrow Pre-School Playgroup is promoting mindfulness and wellbeing from an early age. Since October, children have been visited by Gemma Brown from “Me and My Wellbeing” and taking part in peer-to-peer story massage sessions.

The sessions are based around 10 key moves which can be adapted for different stories, rhythms and nursery rhymes. Wellbeing is promoted through the knowledge that a nurturing touch is a basic need.

Benefits of the sessions include the creation of a happy and safe learning environment, promoting empathy and inclusion, developing concentration and memory as well as fostering physical development through motor skills. The children have greatly enjoyed engaging in this activity and some calm time. “Story massage” is a fantastic way to promote wellbeing, reduce stress and provide mindfulness tools, which, with mental health issues in children at an all-time high is extremely valuable.

Gemma also provides story and baby massage sessions in the community. Look out for the “Me and my Wellbeing” Facebook page or contact her on 07760448116. If you are looking for a nurturing, inclusive, child-focused setting, places are available at Barrow Pre-School Playgroup.
Please contact the Registrar, Jo, by calling 07975957242 or visit our website


Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA)
Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

Advertising Deadline --    27th April 2020
Copy Deadline --          4th May 2020

Copy to:
The Editor
55, Thirlmere Road,
Barrow upon Soar,
LE12 8QQ