The British Citizen Award (BCA), according to the website, is open to each and every UK citizen and serves to recognise exceptional endeavour.
In Barrow upon Soar we are fortunate to have a special resident who was nominated and awarded the BCA for her numerous volunteering activities. Mrs Coral Kelham was nominated by her daughter and son-in-law for her knitting, her blood donations and her contributions to the community.
Let me explain further, Coral loves knitting so she was approached, several years ago, by a lady who has links with a charity in Africa. She asked Coral if she would knit items, cardigans and jumpers for children in Africa. Although she has not counted, Coral estimates that she must have knitted between 200 and 300 garments and continues with this activity. The blood connection relates to Coral’s rare blood type. She was a blood donor for 26 years, donating up to three times every year but she had to give this up when she reached the age of 70. The community work concerns her voluntary work with the Methodist Church, including the Ladies Circle, which she founded with a group of young women in 1964. Coral still attends regularly.
Coral travelled to London with her daughter, Penny, on January 23rd to be presented with the award. They duly arrived at the House of Lords at 2pm
for a 3.30pm presentation ceremony in the Cholmondeley Room and Terrace overlooking the River Thames. After an introduction by The Rt. Hon. the Lord Dholakia, there was a presentation of the medals by the relevant sponsors, after which tea was served. After tea, the 32 recipients and their guests were given a tour of the capital on open-top buses.
The final destination of the day was the Palace of Westminster where, after a reception with wine and light refreshments in the Westminster Hall, under its impressive hammer-beam roof, the presentation of the certificates took place. Each nominee had the opportunity to say a few words about themselves, if they wished. All 32, including Coral, did this. Coral was asked about her knitting, details about which had been missed
in her presentation booklet. Michael Underwood, the presenter, asked her if she could knit him a jumper. He was given a very speedy, negative reply. She explained that he was, “Too big!”
The event finished at 8.30pm, when a taxi took Coral and her daughter to St Pancras station for their journey home. They arrived in Barrow at 11.30pm, quite exhausted but had enjoyed a superb day with memories to treasure. Coral is one of only 350 people in the UK to have received this award which she so well deserves. She is a lovely lady who continues to serve our village community.
Ginnie Willcocks