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Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 505692.
Barrow Voice Team
Advertising Deadline
24th July 2003

Summer Copy Deadline
31st July 2003
Copy to:
The Editor
17 North Street
Barrow upon Soar
Leics LE12 8PZ


At last - an election for the Parish Council - the first in 16 years. Our commiserations to the two candidates who were not successful, but no doubt Dennis Kent and George Robinson will have another chance.

No less than eight of the previous Councillors did not stand for re-election; John Earl, Sue Foster, Ceri Griffiths, Karisa Krcmar, Derek Lowndes, Lilian Middleton, David Mills and Keith Rimmer. They have become familiar to us over the last four years or more and they will be missed.

Brian Henman told me what a "marvellous team" they had been - the best in his 27 years on the Council. His description was full of phrases such as "lively debate", "democratic decisions" and praise of them as being "friendly" and "affable". But what had impressed him the most is that there had been no passengers. Councillors are expected to contribute outside the monthly meetings and all had done so, without exception. Clearly the new team has a lot to live up to.

Moving on to the present Council, I spoke to all of them, both old and new, you can read about each one by clicking on their photo below.