The plaques mounted on the Jerusalem are being restored from their present barely legible condition by the original artist Ray Stafford
It is astonishing that the six plaques, mounted 50 years ago, have withstood the elements for so
long. Only the Quorn Hunt button is now unrecognisable. It is a huge tribute to Ray's
craftsmanship and that of the late Frank Thompson who was the carpenter for the sign.
Mr. Stafford has generously volunteered to repaint the shields and their coats of arms
to mark the 50th anniversary of the Queen's coronation.
The restored plaques will be photographed and their subjects recorded for the Parish
Council archives. The village owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Stafford for his unique
contribution, and to the W.I. and Bishop Beveridge Club who will help to sponsor the repair
of the Jerusalem sign.
Look out for the brilliant summer play scheme which is
held at Humphrey Perkins High School, Cotes Road, every year.
The scheme will run from Monday 4th to Friday
8th August and as usual, you will find an exciting range
of activities, sports, crafts, workshops, trips and games
for ages 5 to 14 year olds.
Registration will take place at Hall Orchard School, after
school finishes on Tuesday 17th and Thursday
19th June (first hour of Tuesday 17th for helpers only).
It will cost £12.00 for the week for 5 to 12 year
olds, and for teenagers aged 13 to 14, we are opening up the
youth club for craft, sport and leisure activities for £7.50
for the week.
We hope to see you there!
For further information, phone
Soroya MacDonald on 01509412385 (HPHS) or 416089
(Youth Club).
An increase in advertising has prompted a redesign
You will see from our newly published Advertising rate card included
in this issue on page 6, that we are planning to resize the
advertisements appearing in Barrow Voice. This follows a noticable
increase in the amount of new adverts supplied that have been
professionally created in a digital format to 'A' sizes that are suitable
for reproduction in other publications as well as our own.
We will be writing to current advertisers in the next few weeks with
more details but you might want to think about redesigning your ad
rather than having it simply resized to fit the new format. We can
point you in the right direction if you require any assistance with this.
New advertisers can take advantage of the changes from the outset.
The changes will be effective from the Autumn 2003 issue.
Advertising in Barrow Voice always has been and will continue to
be excellent value for money.
If you are available to do Life Guarding at the pool, please phone
Ann Perry on 414963 (evenings).
If you would like to train as a life guard, we can make a contribution to you
gaining the National Pool Lifeguard qualification.
At the moment, there are two public sessions:
Wednesday : Adults and children: 6.30 - 7.30 pm
Thursday: Adults only 8.00 - 9.00 pm
These are very poorly attended. In contrast, the club and class bookings are very well
attended. What is more, we could fill the time of the (poorly attended) public sessions with
(well attended) club or class bookings.
SO: If the people of Barrow want public acess to
the swimming pool, we need to make more use of it. Swimming
is fun and it's very good for your health, go for it!
On the afternoon of Saturday 6th September the centre of Barrow will be filled with the
lively sound of traditional English dance tunes as more than 150 morris dancers and
musician from all over the UK descend on the village.
They will be taking part in the Anstey Weekend of Dance, an event that has been jointly
organised by Anstey Morris Men, Anstey Royale Chalfont ladies morris and the Grand
Union Folk Club which meets once a month at the Horse and Trumpet in Sileby.
In addition to the local sides, there will be performances by teams from as far afield as
Lancashire, Yorkshire, Worcestershire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and London.
The dancers will be touring round some of the local villages on the morning of the 6th and
will then meet up for the afternoon in Barrow.
If the street entertainment starts your feet tapping, there is a ceilidh with Hekety, one of the
country's leading dance bands, at Humphrey Perkins Community College in the evening.
The morris sides will be performing again on the morning of the 7th in Bradgate Park.
If you want any further information or tickets for the ceilidh phone Bill on 813566.
Lyn Cooper - member of the Anstey Royal Chalfont team and resident of Barrow
Age concern appeal for donations.
By remembering the charity in your Will you will be contributing to improving the
quality of life for local older people now and in the future.
A legacy leaflet and further information is available from Age Concern Leicestershire and
Rutland, Lansdowne House, 113 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7LA Tel: 0116 2992233 or at the Age Concern website.
We are needing at least two or three more offers of people for
a Barrow Voice delivery round.
The time involved should be under two hours every quarter.
When there are adequate people it means that the magazine
can be delivered more quickly than if some people are landed
with a two three hour shift on a 'double round'. Although we
will hope to be able to give most volunteers the same round
every quarter, we also need possible stand-ins for holiday
times which are often proving difficult to cater for.
Volunteers should give their address and, if possible a telephone
number and indicate whether they would prefer a delivery round
which is local to their home or whether they can offer to
deliver anywhere in the village.
Phone calls to John Thursby on:
Barrow upon Soar Parish Council Rights of Way Programme of Footpath Walks 2003 - 25th year
Wednesday 25 June Gypsum and the Old Kennels - 4.5-5 miles
Meet Breachfield Road/Melton Road bridge. Out via I.24 and Sileby Road, I.4 round the
Gypsum site. Returning via Brook Lane I.32.
Thursday 3 July Walton & Prestwold 5 miles
Drivers please note cars may be needed to take walkers to the starting point at Walton
Village Hall. Meet Three Crowns car park - all cars will leave 6.45pm for Walton. Out
via H.98 to Prestwold Old School and H.99a. Refreshment stop at the Anchor, Walton.
Tuesday 29 July Mountsorrel 3.5 - 4 miles
Meet at the Marina, Sileby Road. Out via I.28, on to I.26, returning via the Navigation
Inn for refreshments
Thursday 7 August Miller's Bridge 4 - 4.5 miles
Meet Three Crowns car park. Out via the Rookery footpath and I.27 to Miller's Bridge,
returning via K.31 Fleshhovel Lane and K.29 to the road or via the old Three Corner
Spinney to the Soar Bridge Inn.
Monday 18 August Quorn 4.5 miles
Meet Old Station car park. Out via river and Tom Long's Meadow. Returning via
Navigation Inn for refreshments.
- Dogs are allowed if on a lead
- Suitable footwear and clothing should be worn
- Routes can be changed at the leader's discretion. Mileage figures are approximate.
- A refreshment stop will be arranged when and where convenient, depending
upon the route, time & weather.
- Neither the Parish Council nor its officers accept any responsibility