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Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 505692.
Barrow Voice Team
Advertising Deadline
24th July 2003

Summer Copy Deadline
31st July 2003
Copy to:
The Editor
17 North Street
Barrow upon Soar
Leics LE12 8PZ


It seemed a good idea initially when it was decided by the 4 woman 'Friends of Rainbows' team, the 'Rainbow's League of Butterflies' to produce a calendar along the lines of the infamous W.I. one, but with a 'fire brigade theme' for added interest.

Calendar girls posing in fire engine

Fund raising with an unusual twist is the name of the game for the ladies who had previously raised £350.00 for the worthy children's hospice charity by having the GP, Dr Geoffrey Hanlon, from Storer Road surgery in Loughborough where three of the team work, 'arrested' and collecting money as his ransom.

It didn't seem such a good idea though when the day for the photo shoot came. The run of beautiful sunny weather was replaced by cold, miserable conditions. The venue was the Epinal Way fire station in Loughborough who kindly allowed their appliances to be used to hide the model's modesty. Within minutes however Green watch had their first of three emergency callouts in succession leaving just one fire engine for use. It was feared that this also might be needed for action, but with the added extra of a model hardly dressed for fire fighting!!

Nerves played their part as none of the 11 ladies, aged between 35 and 56, had ever done anything similar before but as the day wore on everyone relaxed and even began to enjoy their one and only calendar girl experience. The photographs were taken by five students from the Loughborough University, School of Art & Design' and the make up expertly done by Janey Hewitt who worked very hard on the day along with 'The Ministry of Hair' in Loughborough who did all of the styling.

Already the generosity of the public has been overwhelming. All films used and processing costs of the photographs have been donated following appeals made by the Loughborough Echo, Radio Leicester and Oak FM and for that the team are very grateful. Hopefully the sales of the calendar itself will be just as successful. They will be on sale from July onwards at a retail cost of £5.00 each.

Although a good day was had by one and all it was thought by all that modelling was a one-off experience that would be best un-repeated. However, the idea of doing a male version of a fund raising calendar is certainly an appealing prospect for the team!

Sue Sykes (chairman 'League of Butterflies')