Winter 2023 - Issue 174
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New pumping station in Barrow

Flooding in Sileby Road/Avon Road jitty February 2020 

You will have noticed some traffic disturbance on Sileby Road and this time it isn’t due to flooding in Slash Lane although flooding
does have something to do with it. This time, it’s work trying to help sort out the problems of flooding.

Severn Trent has prioritised the issue of flooding to numerous properties, a footpath on Sileby Road and the Fishpool Brook. Severn Trent sewers can become overwhelmed during ‘severe rain events’ and this project will help provide more capacity for the flows, reducing the likelihood of flooding events occurring again.

As well as separating some of the sewer pipes, they’re building a new pumping station in a corner of the car park of the old factory that is now home to Charnwood Mill.

Did you know there are two types of drains: those that take surface water flooding and those take the domestic waste from our houses – from the sinks but, importantly, from our toilets? In the past these drains were combined so separating them reduces the flood risk.

Helen Purdy, from Severn Trent said: “We know that climate change, population growth and urban creep are all forecast to increase the risk of flooding over the coming years, meaning that flooding will affect more customers, more frequently and with greater severity. Projects like this will help to protect our customers, especially where they’ve already experienced the horror of property flooding.”

This new pumping station is well overdue and there has been concern about water quality for some years. We want to keep the kingfishers that we see flying low over the canal between the Navigation Inn and Barrow Deep Lock and further towards Loughborough and clean water is vital.

Karisa Krcmar

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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