Spring 2023 - Issue 171
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Quorn’s ‘Pretzels’ celebrates its 20th Anniversary

In the autumn of 2003, I called on the newly-opened delicatessen, Pretzels, to find out all about Kate and Jane’s ambitions for this new family business. I became a regular customer, wowed by their “food of such high quality and originality and felt moved to share my find with other readers of Barrow Voice”.Pretzels.jpg 

20 years on, I am still a regular customer, known for my predilection for their splendid chorizo Scotch eggs, French goat’s cheese and venison pasties. I am very happy to share news of their forthcoming 20th anniversary celebrations, in April, with Barrow Voice readers.

Kate and Jane, now mums of three children, began this family business purely as a delicatessen, selling jams, chutneys, cheese, hams, home-made savouries and Scotch eggs. There was just a small coffee bar on the side. After listening to what customers wanted, they added tables and chairs, offering coffee, cakes & filled rolls. However, as daughters of earlier proprietors of a restaurant in Quorn, they responded to repeated requests for more substantial meals by getting the whole family involved in cooking. Now you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea both in the café and at sheltered pavement tables as well as takeaway. Recently they have splurged on a complete refurb, so the interior looks tastefully spacious and modern with room for more tables.

Such is the high quality of the entirely home-made food that Pretzels is always full of customers. Kate assured me that she and Jane are really happy with the route that the business has taken and their main ambition now is to survive the crisis of soaring energy costs. Kate would like to thank their many customers for their loyalty and enthusiasm.

Barrow Voice wishes them continuing success.

Judith Rodgers

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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