Spring 2023 - Issue 171
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Turning 100 into 300

 Enjoying being with his cricketing and umpiring mates once again 

In the last issue of Barrow Voice, we wished Bert Perkins a very happy 100th birthday. Now his daughter, Jean Rawlings, has told us that he had a lovely party with many friends and family. He was really surprised and delighted to see so many of his old cricketing pals and umpires. Neighbours turned out in force, despite the dreadful weather, and there were people from Barrow Health Centre and others who have supported him recently. He received over 90 cards and has spent many happy hours enjoying looking at them and talking about friends near and far.

Instead of presents Bert asked for donations to Huntingdon Court Residents’ Comfort Fund. Iris, his wife for 72 years, lives there now and he wanted her to be included in the celebrations. He was overwhelmed with the £300 which was raised.

Bert would like to thank all those who came to his party and made it such a happy occasion, everyone who sent cards and a very big thank you to everyone who made a donation. It will be used to provide garden furniture for the residents at Huntingdon Court.

Bert is now looking forward to the spring and to getting down to his greenhouse, tending his beloved roses and chatting, not just waving, to the many passers-by.

Jean Rawlings

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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