Hall Orchard C E Primary School
(5 Á 11 years)
Church Street
Loughborough LE12 8HP
Tel: 01509 412188
Fax: 01509 620960
Headteacher: Mr R J Morley
Humphrey Perkins High School
(11 Á 14 years)
Cotes Road
Loughborough LE12 8JU
Tel: 01509 412385
Fax: 01509 620902
Headteacher: Mr J D L Edwards
Rawlins Upper School
(14 Á 18 years)
Loughborough Road
Leics. LE12 8DY
Tel: 01509 622800
Fax: 01509 416668
Principal: Mr D Brindley
Fund raising, social events, dances etc.
Educational events at school
Swimming Club for pupils
The committee meet at school in the staff room, details of forthcoming
meetings are posted on the PTFA notice board in the school reception.
The committee members are elected at A.G.M. in October each year.
HELP, IDEAS and TIME are always appreciated
So if you have a good sense of humour and are interested in helping
your school, why not come along to our next meeting. For further information
please contact Jane Tindle 01509 414201
If you require information regarding swimming please contact:-
Mrs L Vesty : 01509 621341
A programme of classes are arranged each year by the staff of the
Community Centre. Every effort is made to provide a range of courses
to meet the needs and interests of members of the community and the
organisers are always pleased to receive suggestions for new courses.
During recent years courses have been offered in Yoga, Aerobics,
Keep Fit, Art and Computing. Recently new courses have been introduced
which have been very successful including courses for young people (Keyboard
Lessons, Short Tennis Coaching and Drama classes). Courses are also
organised in Burton-on-the-Wolds as part of our programme.
The course programme is published during August of each year with
enrolment normally the first week in September. Courses usually commence
mid-September. Fees vary according to the duration of the courses which
usually vary from 8 Á 12 weeks (hours vary from 1 Á 2 hour sessions).
Leicestershire County Council offer fee remission to those in receipt
of certain benefits and the Community Association offers fee remission
to Senior Citizens and young people under the age of 16 years of age.
It is a policy that fees are kept as low as possible. One Day Courses
arranged periodically, normally on Saturdays. These are advertised at
appropriate times in the local press, library and through feeder schools.
For further details contact the school office.
Warden : David Edwards
Deputy Warden: Betty Turner
Community Education Administrator : Carol Westbury
The WEA is a national voluntary organisation made up largely of its
students. Its aim is to organise general interest and educational classes
suitable to both men and women. Typical class subjects include literature,
music, theatre, alternative medicine, reading for pleasure, local history
and economics as well as environmental subjects such as canals, natural
history and conservation, transport and archaeology.
The tuition and class content is generally worked out in partnership
between the students and the tutor Á there are no entrance requirements
and no examinations. More then 130,000 students enrol each year Á why
not join them? For further information and dates and times of available
classes, contact the secretary, chairman or other contact person.
The local branch has been in existence since 1974. It always welcomes
new members to its courses. Enrolment is normally by post to the secretary
or enrol on the first night of each new class.
If you would like to be placed on our mailing list for class information,
get in touch with any of the Œcontactsà shown below. You could soon
be meeting new friends with similar interests and joining in with possible
outings arranged during the normal class-time or at weekends.
Classes are held:
Wednesday or Thursday evenings
Humphrey Perkins High School and Community Centre (Term Time only)
Contact: Secretary:
Arthur Gardner
95 Cotes Road,
01509 416204
Gill Gardner
95 Cotes Road,
01509 416204
Other Contact:
Michael Gilbert
48 Melton Road,
01509 413251