In the last Christmas edition of Barrow Voice, we interviewed Andrew Webster to learn more about his unusual passion – all things buses and coaches. In this Spring edition, we introduce another member of the Webster family who also is driven by an n the last Christmas edition of Barrow Voice, we interviewed Andrew Webster to learn more about his unusual passion. Andrew’s daughter Lisa’s passion is to pursue a moral way of making a living on her own ethical terms and focused on helping people save money.
Lisa is following in the Webster family’s business (of Webster & Barnes fame) by working as a self-employed partner of Utility Warehouse (UW), and more recently, as a mortgage and protection advisor.
Lisa is very proud to be amongst the top 2% of partners working with UW, based on her performance. It is a British success company helping over a million customers. She’s worked with UW for six years alongside being an employee for other companies. Lisa is not someone who can sit still and she qualified in 2023 to become a fully qualified mortgage advisor. She started working as a self-employed mortgage advisor with Vickers Young from last April. I can also pop in the nugget that she is a qualified plasterer!
Lisa is a Barrow person, through and through. She went to Hall Orchard, Humphrey Perkins and Rawlins schools then on to De Montfort University to study Accounts and Finance. She and her husband have two children and they are all fully engaged with Barrow activities.
So, what is Utility Warehouse? And what does Lisa find so morally satisfying? Lisa has about 170 customers who she attends to personally. In fact, UW has recently been voted No 1 for customer service with Citizens Advice and Which? UW provides energy, broadband, mobile, and home insurance all in one simple monthly bill with the added bonus of a cashback card to save even more!
Lisa told me “Getting a better deal for my customers is easy, we have a quick chat where I compare what you are paying now, to what I can save you with UW. We look after all of the switching for you, even contacting your current suppliers so you don’t have to! We will even buy you out of existing contracts – up to £400. And if you switch all your services to UW, the UW Price Pledge guarantees to provide you with the cheapest deal. My mission is to save you a substantial amount of money and time. What is more, you are dealing with one person, who is local and able to help for the lifetime you are a customer; you just need to ask”
Why haven’t I heard of Utility Warehouse before?
Lisa explained the company’s policy: rather than spending money on costly advertising, UW keeps that money within the company to allow better deals for customers. Instead, the customer base increases by word of mouth or by meeting a partner – like Lisa. However, Lisa feels that UW really does benefit customers so much that she is shouting about it – via Barrow Voice!
“For UW, saving money is about bringing together a nation of self-starters who can run their own business and reach the goals that matter to them. UW is also committed to playing a full part in tackling today's environmental and social challenges including achieving net zero by 2050 (and remember it is an energy provider), financially supporting vulnerable customers and non-customers, partnering with Fare Share, The Wildlife Trust, the DEC Humanitarian Appeal, and also planting a tree for every new UW customer.”
I asked Lisa “Isn’t this all too good to be true?”
Her reply: “I am proud of the work I do because I have seen the difference it makes: families saving hundreds of pounds a year, single parents getting support, older people paying less as they have help to switch, and even people finding opportunities to earn extra income themselves. To anyone reading this: if you’re ever curious or have questions about how it all works, just ask me. Transparency really matters to me”.
No wonder Lisa finds that working as a UW partner provides her with the drive and inspiration to get up every day!
Alongside UW, as mentioned, Lisa is a Qualified Mortgage and Protection Advisor. She told me "As an Independent Mortgage and Protection advisor I am able to work flexibly. I have access to hundreds of lenders and over 90,000 deals a day, so I can be sure I can get the best mortgage product for you, as I am not affiliated to any specific lender. I pride myself in understanding, fully, your circumstances and putting myself in your shoes. By doing this, I offer clear and honest advice, and help guide you through the process of securing your mortgage. I am on hand to answer questions and be the 'middle- person' if needed, communicating with estate agents, lenders and solicitors. I offer a free protection review, whether that's for new insurances or looking at existing polices and discuss if you have everything already covered or not, we then act according to find the right insurance – if needed.
With the combination of UW and Mortgages I really feel that the value of my service is unique to my clients as I can cover a multitude of things."
Barrow Voice wishes Lisa well – with both her businesses – working with UW and giving mortgage and protection advice.
Judith Rodgers