The Buds
Barrow in Bloom was just beginning to bud in late 2018 with Nick Thomas and I getting together to see if we could cut back the over-growing greenery from some of the more well-used paths around the village whilst also collecting any discarded litter in the local area. We approached the Parish Council to see if they knew of any other like-minded groups doing anything similar, but nothing seemed to be set up. The councillors, all volunteers themselves, were happy to help and wished us good luck with our plans.
After we put out a call for volunteers, by February 2019, we had eight people joining us. Initially, we called ourselves ‘Snippers & Pickers’ and met every two weeks. Most of the areas we first identified as needing some attention we still look after today, only now the tasks seem far easier; maybe due to the years we’ve been cutting back branches, brambles and ivy, but also due to the increase in the number of volunteers coming along to help – now we regularly get 12-15 per task.
Our first Great British Spring Clean was in March 2019 with four events supported by many residents including children from Hall Orchard School who held their own event around the school. A few months later we were asked if children could join in on a regular basis at weekends. We decided this was a good time to split the team into two groups. The ‘Snippers’ became Barrow Footpaths Group, and the ‘Pickers’ became Barrow Community Litter Picking Group. This was the start of weekend litter picking events which went all around the village with our younger residents collecting bags and bags of rubbish. All these weekend events finished at The Soar Bridge Inn, with the then landlords, Amy and Rob, opening early for the children to enjoy a well-earned drink (of juice) and biscuits.
Both groups had to take breaks due to COVID restrictions in 2020 and 2021. Unfortunately, the family weekend groups did not restart, but both adult groups continued and have gone from strength to strength, so much so that other new groups and project teams looking after specific green spaces in the village have been formed. If you are interested in joining in but are not sure where to start, take a look at the table below to see what’s happening when and contact Annette Richardson for more information at:
We are fortunate in the support from our partner groups. As well as Barrow Parish Council we now work in partnership with Charnwood Borough Council, The Canal and River Trust, and East Midlands Railways. More about all of that in future articles.
Annette Richardson
Annette and I saw an opportunity to improve the appearance of our village. It’s turned into so much more than that. Yes, the village looks better and that’s very satisfying but it’s just as much about being out in the fresh air, getting exercise and enjoying the company of a continually growing group of like-minded people.
Nick Thomas
I cannot remember how I found out about the group, but I possibly saw you out working in the village. I had just retired and was looking to get involved with the community. I enjoy meeting new people and find it so rewarding to carry out work in the community. I look forward to seeing the volunteers and enjoying a good friendship with them, I am free mostly when I am asked to be a part of all our groups.
Bob Bellamy
I took early retirement in 2019 and was looking for something I could do locally to flll my time. Initially I joined in the litter picking groups, enjoying the camaraderie and banter whilst doing something useful. Whilst chatting and picking, I heard about the footpaths group so came along to a session. Many of the volunteers like myself now join in several of the volunteer groups. The social side of volunteering is ever expanding too and I now wonder how I ever found time to hold down a full-time job.
Alison Bowley
I have been part of the Footpaths group from close to the beginning! I love taking part for lots of reasons! It has transformed the village, making it easy to walk the footpaths, people will often comment upon how much easier it helps to walk around the village! The people who volunteer are by nature kind, interesting and we always have a great morning! This is helped by Annette who is the most organised person I have ever met! Trev helps too! (He's the trolley who carries the tools) I miss it when I can't attend!
Andy Smith
Footpaths Group; | Meets on alternate Thursday mornings throughout the year |
Community Litter Picking Group | Holds monthly events on the first Monday morning |
Wild About Barrow | Meets adhoc throughout the year |
Railway Station Adoption Group | Meets on the last Sunday of each month |
Separate Project Teams | Depends on team |