I wonder how many people knew that November 18th to 24th was Parliament Week. Well, the 2nd Barrow Brownies certainly did.
Brown Owl, Hannah Taylor, organised several meetings to give the Brownies an insight into local politics, including an evening spent debating and a visit from a Parish Councillor. The 18th of November was the highlight, as the Mayor of Charnwood, Julie Bradshaw, paid a visit accompanied by Carol Hardy, the Civic Officer. I was lucky enough to be there and saw how well-behaved and respectful the Brownies were.
The robes of office were shown, and Carol helped the mayor to put them on including the heavy chain of office. The effect was instant authority. It was interesting to learn the history of the robes, mace and chain of office which date from 1888, but in 2017 a new set of robes was made because the original ones, that had been in constant use, were getting a little fragile. The beautiful Mayoress Chain, dating from 1897, was also shown to the Brownies.
The Brownies had prepared some interesting and serious questions but the two I liked best were: “What is the worst part of your job?” The answer was: “Dressing up.” Apparently, the mayor is at her most comfortable wearing casual clothes. The other was: “What do you like best about your job?” Her reply was meeting people and going to places she hadn't been before, the perfect answer. Having never been a Brownie herself, it was her first time visiting a pack meeting.
I was fascinated to learn, that in 1888 Queen Victoria granted the title of Loughborough Borough Council to the town, and then in 1974 Queen Elizabeth. signed the charter for our area to become Charnwood Borough Council. Therefore, in the Mayor’s Parlour there are two charters signed by the two longest reigning monarchs. Is this unique to our Borough?
What I found wonderful about the 2nd Barrow Brownies, is that the current Brown Owl, Hannah, was a Brownie when Wendy Stevens was her Brown Owl, and Claire Connelly, Messy Owl, was a brownie when I ran the pack. How’s that for continuity? Hopefully, some of the current Brownies will be Owls of the future. The pack is very fortunate in that they have Rebecca Hughes, Snowy Owl; Beth Tolon, Elf Owl; and Felicity Kennedy who is yet to be given an Owl name. Wendy, although officially retired, is known as Wise Owl and helps with the administration.
Next year 2nd Barrow Brownies will be celebrating their 50th anniversary and in all that time they have had only four Brown Owls. Wendy and I accounting for 48 of those years. Food for thought, Hannah, you can do it. Thank you to the Brownies for inviting me for the evening, it brought back some lovely memories.
Val Gillings.