Summer 2022 - Issue 168
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What is it about milk?

Well done to the people who are really trying to cut back on eating meat and drinking milk. You don’t have to give it up altogether, perhaps just think about cutting back and trying alternatives.

To reduce the role of cows in their diet, many people are opting to replace dairy milk with plant milk. Gone are the days when cow’s milk was the only thing to add to your tea or coffee. Now supermarket shelves are groaning under the weight of countless plant milks, all of which use significantly less land and water to produce and emit a fraction of the CO2. The vast array of milks made from almonds, hazelnuts, coconuts, cashews, oats, rice, soya beans, hemp seeds, peas and much more can be overwhelming to those unsure which to pick. One way, of course, is to choose according to which flavour you personally prefer, and you will be safe in the knowledge that, whatever your choice, it is environmentally friendlier than opting for dairy milk.

However, those looking for more guidance about which kind of alternative milk to go for may find the following information helpful.

Firstly, here is a useful graph outlaying the basics statistics of several common types of plant milk.

And here are a few more details of the pros and cons of some of the most popular types of milk.

Cow’s milk



Almond milk



Coconut milk



Oat milk



Soya milk



Rice milk



So, there are alternatives to milk, some are better than others. If you use your milk as a source of protein, then soya milk has advantages.However, if you get your protein from other sources (nuts and vegetables are good sources of protein) then you may consider trying oat milk as a change. There are plenty of different brands to choose from. Give it a go and see what you think.

Genevieve Silk

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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