Autumn 2022 - Issue 169
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Barrow Guiding - 100 years young

The Barrow Girl Guides celebrated their 100th birthday on Saturday 25th of June. The hall was decorated with old uniforms and blankets filled with badges plus there was another room with all sorts of cakes including a special guide birthday cake with white and blue icing. Linda Vesty, the (joint) Division Commissioner, said “It was a lovely afternoon,” where everyone could “look at photographs, memories and books dating back many years.”

By looking at some of the old uniforms I learnt about different guides from the past. One that I found very interesting was a guide called Ivy who was a guide during the 1940s. I could see on the uniform that she had earned four proficiency badges including Signaller and Cyclist. In World War 2, the guides (including Ivy) helped the community in many ways. I also learnt that guides were originally called Rosebuds! Barrow’s guide company was started by Miss Stone, the daughter of the, then, vicar of Holy Trinity Church and the guiders met in the old Church Rooms.

It was so interesting meeting everybody, and when I asked a few of the adults what their favourite bit about guides was they ALL said “camp”! During Covid I took part in an online camp with the Brownies, where we baked and sang campfire songs which my friends and I really enjoyed. Now I can’t wait for our real camp in November and I’ll think of the guides from all those years ago!

Well done to everyone who was involved in making the celebration so special.

Ruby Aldis

 Some pictures from the Guides' archives 

  Ivy’s uniform from the 1940s 
 Guiding badges through the decades 

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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