Autumn 2022 - Issue 169
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Professional help to achieve your fitness goals

 Personal training instructor Sam Roberts 

Have you seen the building site on Brook Lane, just off Babington Road? The site is currently being modified and renovated to create a purpose-built, spacious and exciting new gym facility for Barrow, opening in October.

Sam Roberts, owner of Legacy Fitness, is very excited about bringing his gym to the village. His vision is to create a gym for everyone, even for people who don’t like gyms. Never really thought about a gym before but know it’ll be good for you? Regular gym bunny looking for somewhere more local? Young? Old? In the middle somewhere? People of all ages and fitness levels will be welcomed through the door. Sam and his team will offer training to match the individual’s personal goals and abilities and his aim is to help build positive health and fitness habits that last a lifetime, whilst having some fun along the way.

Legacy Fitness started in Ulverscroft in 2013 with the aim of creating a welcoming environment that would get real results for everyone – not just the hardcore gym-goers. Sam’s team has achieved this by forging a community culture with an amazing sense of camaraderie and feeling of belonging while wholeheartedly embracing Small Group Personal Training. “This magic method combines personalised, expert coaching with the motivation you get from a group vibe,” Sam explained to me when I met him.

That is how Sam has been helping people in the Ulverscroft area get stronger and healthier, both physically and mentally. His story enters an exciting new chapter when they move to their all-new space in Barrow upon Soar. Sam believes that it’s an exciting opportunity to support a whole new circle of people in reaching their goals and changing their lives. He believes in offering long-term, real results. “Fitness fads and quick fi xes come and go. They pass us by,” he explained, “we are committed to proven training that leads to fundamental strength and health – ingraining positive habits that can last a lifetime.”

At Legacy Training, you will be able to discuss your personal goals and the coaching you will receive will take into account your body’s abilities and limitations so that you can train in a way that is best and safest for you – this approach is interesting taken alongside Mairi Taylor’s article about the best time of the month for women to do different training. (see article)

Sam and his team also offer nutritional advice to maximise results. Sam’s passion for helping people is clear and we wish Legacy Fitness every success in Barrow.

Sarolta Batki

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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