Autumn 2022 - Issue 169
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New Headteacher – a Dunn deal!

  Mr Dunn 

Being a student at Hall Orchard Primary School I felt very lucky to be one of the fi rst to meet our new headteacher, Mr Dunn! In an exclusive interview I chatted with him over Zoom about his career and a bit about him. I was a little nervous to meet him, but his fun energy and warm smile made me feel comfortable. Here is what I found out:

How do you feel about becoming the new headteacher at Hall Orchard?
I am very excited and really looking forward to it! I have already visited the school lots and I can’t wait to meet everybody although I have got lots of names to remember!

Have you been a headteacher before?
I have been a headteacher at Hathern Primary School for 10 years. It is a smaller school with approximately 200 children, while Hall Orchard is bigger with approximately 500 children. I was also a deputy head teacher, at a different school, for 5 years before that.

Were you a teacher before that?
When I was a classroom teacher, I taught Year 5, Year 6 and Year 2. Year 2 was my favourite, I really loved teaching them. This year I helped teach Foundation every Friday for outdoor lessons which I really enjoyed doing because I like being involved in the classes.

Why did you want to be a headteacher?
I enjoy being part of a school, and making lots of fun opportunities for the children to learn. I see my main role as making sure the children are happy and want to be there, and encourage them to want to do something well – to try their best and want to learn. I want to make the school an exciting, interesting and engaging place to be. And I want all the teachers and staff to feel the same way.

What do you think can make Hall Orchard better?
All schools have had a hard time with Covid and this has changed the way people are in school. I would like to re-engage with the community, for example PTA events, meeting different people from the village, local cricket, drama and singing events. I want the school to be one of the most important things in the village and bring people together to support our school. Now I’d like to learn a bit about you.

What have you done to relax over the summer holidays before we go back to school?
I’ve just returned from a lovely holiday in Italy and enjoyed the yummy food! I’ve also been busy building a big summer house at the bottom of the garden, it’s nice to have had some time to do it.

Do you like building things, what are your hobbies?
I enjoy doing practical things and making things. I love dog walking, and I walk my friends’ and parent’s dogs. I like walking on hills and mountains and I love the snow. I also enjoy cycling and rugby – I support the Leicester Tigers and saw them play in Twickenham. I like reading lots of books and read every night as it helps me relax. I sometimes like watching movies but I don’t like watching much television. I love travelling and experiencing different cultures and architecture.

What was your favourite lesson at school?
Science, I like to know how things work and about the natural environment. I like the investigative side. I also loved PE – being active and playing football, hockey and rugby. I liked English because I’ve always liked reading.

Do you have any pets?
I have a dog called Ebbie that lives with my daughter and a very small dog called Evie that is too small to go on proper walks.

My new teacher Mr Hatley loves the minions, what is your favourite movie character?
Ooh this is a tricky one. Um, oh, I think I really enjoyed the Harry Potter books and I think Professor Snape because he comes across really stern but he’s actually really kind.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
That’s a brilliant question, I’d like to fly. That would be awesome! I feel bad with all the travelling I do, and this way I’d be able to fly and not use fuel which would help the environment.

What is your favourite celebration?
I love Christmas, I love everything about it and decorating the tree which I like to put up quite early. I’m the cook in the house and enjoy making Christmas dinner. Last year we had twelve people around the table it was amazing with the noise and food and chatter.

Last question the most important one, will you eat the school dinners?
Yes, I had some when I visited the school for my interview. I will have some but not all the time. My favourites at my old school were roast pork and potatoes and fish and chips on a Friday.

I enjoyed meeting Mr Dunn very much and I am really looking forward to this year with him as the new headteacher.

Ruby Aldis

Welcome back to Barrow, Mr Dunn – there are many people (my daughter included) who loved being in your year 2 class at Hall Orchard. (Editor)

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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