Winter 2024 - Issue 178
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Barrow Focus

Youth Group

Our partnership with the youth project, Blaze City, is continuing throughout the winter. We are very excited to share with you that this will be held at Freckles on the High Street. We hope our young people will enjoy the new location and use this fantastic free provision sponsored by the Parish Council.



War Memorial Refurbishment

The War Memorial has undergone considerable refurbishment and repair. We have sympathetically repaired the water damaged areas and restored the faded names in time for Remembrance Day. The railings have also been painted. We hope you managed to join us for the church service and parade to remember our Fallen.

Warm Barrow

This winter sees the relaunch of Warm Barrow. There is a list of participating venues on our website and in the Parish Council office window. Thank you to all of the community groups that are volunteering their time and warm space over the winter.



Christmas Lights Switch-On and Market

We are looking forward to the Christmas Market and Lights Switch On which will be held on the High Street on 30th November this year from 2:30 to 5:30. We have some fabulous stalls and entertainment including a brass band, carol singing and of course a visit from Father Christmas himself

We hope to see you there.


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Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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The Editor 62 Sileby Road, Barrow on Soar, LE12 8LR