Winter 2024 - Issue 178
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Winter 2024

Salvation finally arrives at the Fox Cub 
Unusual Pastimes 
It’s blooming Gold for the village 

The Barrow Voice editorial team wishes all our readers a Happy Christmas and warm wishes for 2025.

Karisa Krcmar (editor)

Front cover: Cast of BATS The Wedding Singer. Photo: Betty Gamble Photography

Letters to the Editor

There was an interesting response from readers to some of the articles in our autumn issue of Barrow Voice. Thank you for taking the time to write in.

Dear Sir/Madam

The article [The River Soar Bridge and its impact on village traffic] in the magazine raised a few interesting problems and I would suggest a possible solution for  pedestrians.

Now that the Barrow Road footpath is closed, a pedestrian footbridge over the canal just south of the road bridge could link the Slabs with a path through the Riverside Gardens linking up to the existing footpath on Bridge Street past the Soar Bridge Pub. This would take pedestrians
away from the traffic flow.

Some of the £232 million pounds could be allocated for its construction!

Derek Johnson

Dear Sir/Madam

[With reference to the article The River Soar Bridge and its impact on village traffic]: at last, some money coming our way due to the failing HS2 line.

Can Quorn and Barrow share their share of the £232 million and get the footpath repaired between Barrow and Quorn?

It looks an eyesore and is useless.

Bobbie Cornish

Dear Sir/Madam

I just wanted to say how nice it was to see a poem in the Barrow Voice [Is there bird song in Gaza?] – and not just because it was by a friend.

Is it possible to have poems regularly? There must be lots of people in the village who would love to contribute.

Prue Padmore

Hi Karisa,

I have enjoyed Sarolta Batki`s article [Unusual Pastimes: Dave Barsby – Fairground Enthusiast]. I have a number of fairground items I would like to donate to Dave (you always end up with peripheral items) and read this article with joy, having found a home for said items and on my doorstep!

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Webster

Note from the editor: Barrow Voice is pleased to have put Dave and Andrew in touch with each other so that Andrew’s ‘spare’ items could go to an appreciative home. We also decided to contact Andrew about his unusual pastime and you can read all about it in this issue of Barrow Voice.

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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The Editor 62 Sileby Road, Barrow on Soar, LE12 8LR