Winter 2024 - Issue 178
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Fitness after Feasting

During the Christmas and New Year holiday periods lots of us eat large, traditional festive meals and drink much more than usual. Then, following the parties come the New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight and get fitter. But how can you do it locally? In early October I sent a Round Robin to some people in the village who might be able to help. Below are the responses I received.

Sam Roberts: Legacy Fitness

Legacy Fitness is a gym for people who don't like gyms! Instead of focusing on the scales for weight loss we use a high-tech, in-body scan machine to analyse your full body composition and in turn, through strength training, we then help members lose fat, gain muscle, become stronger and more confident in their own skin.

We are a small group personal training gym, with dedicated coaches to work on your individual fitness goals, a lead nutritionist to assess and aid positive changes to your diet, health and lifestyle, alongside a supportive and fun community to keep you motivated.

We are based in Brook Lane in Barrow and are open Monday – Saturday 6am-11am  and 4pm-8pm.

We offer a no strings attached 21-day trial (£99) to kick start your fitness journey, with full access to a full membership. From there prices would vary depending on how often you want to train. We would give you membership options to suit your needs.  For more information go to

Donna MacLean: Core Fitness

A Group Fitness class is a good option to help with the aim of burning off those Christmas calories. In my classes you tone-up in a fun and sociable environment suitable for a range of ages and abilities. The exercises, often using resistance bands, are particularly good for toning ‘tums and bums’. There is a Keep Fit class on Wednesday mornings in The Gap at the back of the Baptist Church, Beveridge Street, Barrow, from 10-11am which costs £5.50 per session or £30 for a block of six weeks.

Other forms of exercise can also aid weight loss such as Pilates which aims to strengthen core, stomach, back and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates helps with overall fitness and is great for stretching, improving your mood or for injury rehabilitation. Pilates classes (again in The Gap in Beveridge Street) are run on Monday evenings from 7 – 8pm and from 11-12noon on Wednesday mornings. Pilates classes cost £8 per session or £42 for a block of six.

For more information contact Donna on 07787 315197 or email

Mairi Taylor: Reducing stress to reduce the Xmas weight.

One factor many of us don’t take into account over the Christmas season, which seems to get longer and longer each year, is the impact of stress and our busy lives on our waistlines. It’s not just the calories we eat but the feeling of being overwhelmed and the stress that makes us feel heavy and bloated; all that rushing around takes its toll.

Everything I offer, whether a relaxing massage or one of my FABilates classes, is the perfect antidote to modern living as it helps reduce your stress and this, in turn, helps with your weight loss goals.

Massage treatments are by appointment at “the Wee Hoose” in Barrow and my FABilates classes are for one hour on alternative Saturday and Sunday mornings at The Scout Hut for just £11:11 pay as you go.

The monthly 90-minute Boutique is £18:88 and includes an essential oil experience, and meditation on a Friday night, lasts just under two hours and is called Friday Night Chillates.

All treatments and schedules can be found at I look forward to meeting you in 2025.

Traudi Halliday: Pilates Time

Traudi told me that she doesn’t run a designated weight loss programme but holds Pilates classes that encourage people to move better: movement to improve body strength, posture and balance for you to feel more confident in yourself. Traudi recognises that Pilates is not ‘one size fits all’, she will adapt or modify moves to suit individual needs.

Her small, friendly group Pilates classes in Barrow are held in Barrow Library on Monday evenings at 6.30pm and 7.45pm; Tuesday mornings at 8.30am and 9.40am and on Thursday mornings at 8.30am.

She also holds weekly online Pilates classes using Zoom, should you prefer to exercise from the comfort of home. Pilates cost £9.50 group class and £8.50 Zoom class, termly payment is required.

For more information contact Traudi Halliday 07900 472809 or email

Gaynor Barton

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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