Winter 2024 - Issue 178
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Barrow upon Soar Village Show 2024

There was a lovely atmosphere in the Methodist Church on September 14th as people wandered around admiring the range of entries in the autumn sunshine. The intricacies of the craft and art works were studied carefully and most of the vegetables looked absolutely perfect, not a blemish to be seen, unless in the Disasters category. This year Disasters was won by a squirrel-nibbled pear!

But there was poignancy too, this year, as Helen Eames (nee Middleton) had her entries submitted by her husband and family as sadly she passed away just a few weeks before the show. Helen had been a keen supporter and competitor since the very first show and the organisers would like to express their deepest sympathy and thanks to the family.

The “Best in Show” winner was a beautiful bunch of grapes submitted by Diane Sanders. The vine was originally planted by the previous occupier of her home, Joe Brown, over 60 years ago. Diane continues to care for it and it is still producing lovely fruit today.

Supporting the Village Show was a Scarecrow Trail and a Kids’ Scarecrow Gallery. There were some excellent scarecrows representing the organisations which had made them including the Scouts, the Bishop Beveridge Club,  the Women’s Institute, Holy Trinity  Church, the Methodist Church and the  Lime Tree Nursery.

Gaynor Barton with thanks to Janet Thompson


Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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