Congratulations and many thanks to Barrow in Bloom volunteers who worked hard so that the village could be awarded the Royal Horticultural Society East Midlands Gold and Best in Category for a Small Town. The village was awarded an amazing 96 out of 100 points – a top mark. The Judges’ Award went to the railway station planning scheme. They commented on the transformation of the station into such a delightful place with raised planters and artwork. The golden volunteers turn out throughout the year in all weathers to keep the village looking good.
Further congratulations go to Annette Richardson who has won the prestigious Committee’s Award for a person who has inspired the East Midlands in Bloom judges. Annette said that she was “truly honoured to receive it.”
These latest awards are just two of several that the group has one over the last couple of years. You may remember that in our last issue, Barrow Voice announced that their Deep Lock Team had won a Green Flag Award plaque for 2024/25. In 2022, the Footpaths Group was recognised by Charnwood Borough Council as the Charnwood Community Heroes Top Team award and the Barrow in Bloom volunteers won the Rural Environment Award.
The Barrow in Bloom Group is interested to hear from anyone who may be interested, as an individual, or as representative of another community group, to help with artwork at the station. The Scouts have already helped with a test piece and there are workshops in November and December planned to support all this work.
If you (or your group) are interested, email Barrow in Bloom at
These flowers don’t grow on their own!
Karisa Krcmar