Autumn 2023 - Issue 173
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A Recommended Read from Barrow Community Library

Lessons by Ian McEwan

This is a long and many-layered book following the life of Roland Baines from childhood to old age. While very young, Roland becomes involved with his piano teacher and the impact of this relationship haunts him forever. However, this book is about so much more than this one relationship. The whole of Roland’s life, his relationships, his beliefs, his travel, his work, his memories are all played out against a backdrop of all the major world events he witnesses. From the Greenham Common protests and Cold War issues to Chernobyl; the fall of the Berlin Wall and changes of governments and political campaigns. Poet, musician, father, lover, abandoned husband, we read about how he lives, what infl uenced, scarred and strengthened him. The lives of many of his friends and acquaintances thread through this tapestry of his life. The story is layered with well-developed characters, Roland is not the star of the show and yet you can’t help but be drawn to him.

Reviews are divided on this book. I was daunted by the size of the book and its seemingly complex contents. However, I was completely hooked very early on and was carried on the tide that is McEwan’s writing style, all the way to the end. I’m not a turner of page corners but if I had been, then this book would be littered with them. How many times did I think, I must read that bit again for the pure pleasure of McEwan’s words? OK, so Roland doesn’t achieve anything spectacular and struggles to form any strong ties with people, but somehow McEwan makes this absolutely fascinating. He allows Roland’s memories to surface throughout the detailed timeline of his life in such a perfect way to illustrate and support the scene. I found myself relating entirely to the highlighted points in history and reliving my own memories of that time.

If you are unfamiliar with McEwan’s books then maybe start with one of his shorter novels. My personal favourites are: Saturday, The Comfort of Strangers and Nutshell. When you’re ready for a large and meaty volume then Lessons will fit the bill.

All his books are completely different except for one brilliant element…the author.

A selection of Ian McEwan’s books is available from the library either from the shelves or through the Leicestershire online catalogue.

Catherine Holmes

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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