Autumn 2023 - Issue 173
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Thank you to all the people who responded to the request, in our last issue, for back copies of Barrow Voice. We really appreciated you getting in touch and you have helped BUSCA to ensure they have a full archive of back copies.

Despite the disappointing weather this summer, Barrow people have still been active and there are plenty of events planned for this autumn – including this year’s Murder Mystery, the Trinity Festival, Charnwood Orchestra concert and many events happening in Barrow Community Library. The village needs events like these and events like these need people in the village to support and enjoy them.

This issue features the success stories of young flautist, Joseph Geary; Andy Fearn, the new Co-op manager; and lung transplant survivor, John Canning. We continue the amazing history of Barrow resident, Lucy Sinclair. This article follows her long walk west in war-torn Germany as she made her way out of communist-held Germany. We remember the long life of David Bird, known by many and contributor over the years to this magazine.

Karisa Krcmar (editor)
Front cover: Autumn in Barrow upon Soar
Photo: Karisa Krcmar


Letter to the Editor

I was interested to see the postcard in Barrow Voice. The picture on the front is in Old Woodhouse. My father was born in this cottage. It belonged to the Perry-Herrick Estate.

Pauline Haynes

ED: Thank you, Pauline, for getting in touch and telling us that you recognised the cottage in the postcard. I let Kathryn, who gave me the postcard, know about this and she was interested to know that one of ‘her’ postcards was of direct interest to one of our readers.

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

Advertising Deadline
For Advertising Deadline go to current issue

Copy to:
The Editor 62 Sileby Road, Barrow on Soar, LE12 8LR