Autumn 2023 - Issue 173
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Introducing Andy Fearn, Barrow Co-op Manager

Barrow Voice would like to introduce you to the current manager of Barrow Co-op. Actually, Andy has been in post for over a year so we’ve been slipping. Sorry Andy!

Andy moved to Barrow in August 2022 and has “loved every minute”. He has worked for the Co-op for 12 years in several different stores but Barrow is the biggest yet. He described Barrow as “a big village with a tight community feel and quite affluent.” I asked him if managers have any freedom to develop a particular project or venture. He answered that every store has its own peculiarities, customer foibles and community quirks and he has had to change his approach for each store. In fact, he feels that the Co-op gives him more flexibility than some businesses, particularly when it comes to interacting with the community. He works with Community Pioneer, Emily Goss, to encourage his staff volunteers to join with him in various hands-on projects in Barrow. So far, they have spent a day painting benches, helped with a garden and painted a shop window.

Andy and Emily also help to administer the Co-op Community Grants. These have a different focus each year and whether an application is successful depends a lot on how well it matches the current focus. At the moment, the focus is on community spaces. Previous themes have included preventing loneliness, avoiding food waste and preventing hunger. Barrow has done well out of these community grants.

He has very little flexibility when it comes to stock ordering. His main role is to avoid food waste. I mentioned my current irritation – the Co-op celery comes in separate cut sticks, not in a whole stick and it goes bad much quicker. He advised me to contact Head Office and put this point. Apparently, I will have much more influence in achieving change than he would. So I’ll be phoning: 0800 068 6727 very shortly.

I was keen to find out how the Co-op movement is doing with its green policies. Previously it has been a trail blazer. Barrow Voice reported in Spring 22 about the Co-op’s introduction of a facility to recycle soft and crinkly plastics and also the new compostable carrier bags. It led the way; other supermarkets followed. These facilities continue and Andy commented on the huge increase in customers bringing in plastic collections for recycling. Many of the recent green trends have been about the store reducing its own energy consumption. For example, every light is now on a timer and fridges that chill non-perishable goods such as white wine are turned off when not in use, especially at night. There are no longer any black plastics used in packaging. Milk comes in clear plastic containers and colour is kept to a minimum because coloured plastic is hard to recycle. Vacuum packaging is now widely used because it is more efficient and uses less plastic. So, the Co-op continues to expand its green processes.

Finally, Andy urges community groups to come along and chat to him about their needs. He is very keen for the store to get involved and to serve Barrow residents as fully as possible. 

Barrow Voice says thank you, Andy, for leading the way.

Judith Rodgers

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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