Autumn 2023 - Issue 173
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Fly-tipping dealt with

Fly tipping on Slash Lane 

So there I was, driving down Slash Lane late one Tuesday afternoon, and there in a lay-by at the far end was an abandoned pram. A quick look over my shoulder as I drove by showed a huge amount of old and broken household items deliberately, and indeed criminally, dumped by who only knows who. Cue a not so inward rant on what I’d like to do to fly-tippers as I stormed off up the A6.

On the Wednesday, having calmed down, at least a little, a quick bit of googling brought me to an on-line form (see link at the end of the article) to report fly-tipping to Charnwood Borough Council, who have responsibility to keep verges clear (as I understand it, the roads themselves are the responsibility of the County Council).

The form was quick and easy to fill in. The Council does, of course, need to know the exact location of any fly-tipping incident and simple guidance is provided as you fill the form in, to show you how to give this. A final click and off it went to the Council.

Sometime the following day, an email from the Council popped into my in-box to thank me for reporting the incident and to tell me that it had now been dealt with. As indeed it had – I couldn’t resist nipping down to have a look!

So, on this evidence, next time you see any fly-tipping anywhere in Charnwood, don’t waste emotional energy getting angry – fill the form in to let the Council know, and they’ll get onto it!

Guy Silk

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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