Autumn 2023 - Issue 173
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Recognition for the Barrow Good Neighbour Scheme

Barrow Upon Soar has always prided itself on having a sense of community; people often come together and support those who may need help. The Good Neighbour Scheme is a small organisation that does exactly that. This team of roughly 25-30 volunteers fulfils hundreds of requests every month. Requests may vary from collecting someone’s shopping or prescriptions to helping tidy up their garden to simply sitting down and chatting over a cup of tea: relatively small acts of kindness that make a world of difference to those who perhaps don’t or can’t get out of the house. Above all else, volunteers provide a befriending service to ensure that people don’t have to feel alone.

The Good Neighbour Scheme is a national initiative and the Barrow group was established in December 2019. While initially intended to provide assistance over the Christmas period, the pandemic made this difficult and so it was quickly adapted. Guidelines had to be followed and chats had to be conducted over the phone or on people’s doorsteps, but as time has passed, more has become possible, and the group has been able to expand the type of support provided. The group now organises walks, offers transport, even changes the odd lightbulb. They even go the extra mile to point people in the direction of other similar or more appropriate schemes or groups if they are, for whatever reason, unable to provide support themselves. Thanks to the group’s tireless efforts, volunteers have received an award from the Rural Community Council (RCC).

During the RCC’s annual awards ceremony, the Barrow Upon Soar Good Neighbour Scheme was given a commendation in the Connecting People category for a Large Community. I spoke with Annette Richardson and Karen Selby, the very humble figureheads of the scheme, who were quick to convey just how grateful they are for all of the wonderful work done by all the volunteers which has led to its continuing success. They also stressed the lengths the group has gone to in relation to safeguarding, ensuring all volunteers are DBS checked and anyone receiving support has been visited first by a senior member of the team to make sure that both they and the volunteers are completely comfortable.

 Annette and Karen receiving the award 

If you wish to contact the group and ask for support, or if you wish to volunteer either on occasion or on a regular basis, please don’t hesitate to contact the group by phone on 07771 625 591 or email them at Further information can also be found on the website at

Elliot Wilkes

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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