Summer 2024 - Issue 176
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A Clean Sweep

Weed choked pavements and gutters seem to be the norm these days. However, when visiting the Orkney Islands earlier this year I noticed that the people there took responsibility for the area in front of their properties. Consequently, the streets were clean and tidy and a pleasure to walk down.

I suggest that we follow their example as the authorities are unable to keep our streets in a reasonable condition because they face financial difficulties. I realise that not everyone will be able or willing to make an effort to sweep the pavements near their house but it could reduce the puddles and blocked drains that are so obvious when it rains. This ten minutes in the fresh air would make a huge difference. Good housekeeping means less dirt in your house and maybe better health for everyone.

Tilly Yates

Editor’s note: I lived in a mining village in South Wales and this was also done there – by the women! I couldn’t do it while I was working but did my bit when I was on maternity leave. It started there because the coal dust was always so dreadful, it would get walked into the house if the pavements weren’t kept clean (there were no front gardens to the terraces). I don’t know the reason in the Orkneys.

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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