Summer 2023 - Issue 172
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A Village River Walk

River walk The canal by Piets Close 10 (3)



Overview: about 3 miles easy and flat walking. 60 – 90 minutes.  
Start: The Three Crowns, across the railway pedestrian bridge to Barrow Deep lock; along the canal to the Navigation pub; from bottom of Mill Lane to One Man Bridge; across fields on public footpaths to the river; follow the river back to the Navigation; return along Piet’s Close to Bridge St and back to the Three Crowns along High Street.

Map with numbered points >> Detailed route finding

From Three Crowns car park (1) turn right to go down Cotes Road. After about 70 metres, note the public footpath sign on the Charnwood Forest side of Cotes Rd. Take that path downhill to cross over the railway line on the pedestrian bridge. Come out beside The Moorings (2) and cross over Bridge St to proceed along the road to Proctors caravan park. Turn off left to walk beside the Barrow Deep lock (3) and on beside the canal. Up some steps at the end of the tow path you come to the Navigation Inn (4) in front of you. Turn right to follow down Mill Lane past a couple of mill races (the Culverts). Look for a public footpath sign (5) in about 30 metres, pointing to your left. Take this paved path, coming to the suitably named One Man Bridge (6). Walk across to a gate (7). There are several yellow arrows pointing to obvious tracks across the field. Take the middle one that leads to a kissing gate (8). Walk through to cross the road to a farm gate. Pass through the gap to the left of that gate to enter the next field. Take one of the grass tracks towards the river. At the river, turn left and follow the river through Barrow Boating (9) back to the Navigation Inn (4).

Walk past the Inn and a little way up Mill Lane. At the beginning of the children’s playground, take the signed footpath (10) to walk with the playground on your right then, soon, with the canal this time on your left. This is Piet’s Close. Follow it until you emerge onto Bridge Street (11). Cross this busy road very carefully. Walk up the hill and admire Barrow’s beautiful Jerusalem Roundabout (12) where you will turn left onto High Street. Proceed, returning to the Three Crowns.

Judith Rodgers

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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