Summer 2023 - Issue 172
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Beauty, the Beast and the two Ugly Sisters

When a friend reminded me that the village pantomime (Barrow Panto Group) was taking place at Humphrey Perkins school in March, we went on spec and had a most enjoyable evening. The script was snappy, just the right length and delivered with panache with all the artists getting a chance to shine. The sound system was excellent, not too loud, so that we could hear the singers’ voices and words. The costumes, choreography and scenery were well up to their usual standard and the audience clearly appreciated all the hard work of the cast and crew.

I particularly enjoyed the two Ugly Sisters, Whitney and Britney, played by Amore and Jessica. Yes, Beauty and the Beast definitely merged with Cinderella! And of course, we expected, and got, the Good Fairy (Flora) sweetly played by Iris and the Bad Fairy (Belladonna) powerfully played by Francescia. Richard gave us a cracking Madame Fifi. And I could go on: this was an excellent cast.

To top it all, the sweeties included marshmallows and jelly beans, what a treat! The November production of The Sound of Music by the Youth Theatre will take place in Mountsorrel Memorial Hall because Humphrey Perkins has become too expensive, however we will definitely make the effort to support Barrow’s Panto Group and Youth Theatre Group.

Tilly Yates

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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