Summer 2023 - Issue 172
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Summer Postcards … in shorthand

Do you still send postcards to family and friends from your holidays? With Instagram and WhatsApp fewer people do now, which is a shame and will be history’s loss.Pitman postcards The Fountain Woodhouse 

Kathryn Baird collects old postcards - more specifically she collects postcards with messages written in Pitman shorthand. Since her first purchase in 1984, Kathryn has transcribed over 300 postcards posted from all over Britain most of which date from the early 1900s. She has published 50 of them (with transcriptions and comments) in her book ‘Fifty Mysterious Postcards’, published by the History Press. This shows us a surprising and interesting snapshot of everyday life in the early 20th century.

Kathryn would love to know if you have any postcards from, or to, Barrow upon Soar with the message written in Pitman shorthand. The closest she has to our village is one of Woodhouse Eaves, posted to Birmingham in 1907. You can contact Kathryn via the

The message says: 14/5/07
Dear Herbert - I was sorry I did not see you on Sunday. I went to Tamworth with Frank Woolley, and Harry *. We went all through the castle. I have answered two advertisements today within the “Daily Post”. I hope I shall be successful. Hope to see you next week all being well. From your sincere friend Harry. Excuse bad shorthand, this card is hurried.
*Not legible

Pitman postcards The Fountain Woodhouse message

You can see more postcards on Twitter (@Kathryn11Baird).

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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