Summer 2023 - Issue 172
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Granny’s best China:

the importance of lip reading and how you can help

For many years, when anyone special came for tea, my mother would get the dragon’s breath china out. It wasn’t until I questioned it later, that I realised that she was actually saying ‘granny’s best china’. Or, remembering, when young, learning a poem which exhorted me to pity mice implicitly when I should have been reciting ‘pity my simplicity’. Yes, I did feel a bit simple when I realised that I had been delivering pleas to nurture the mouse population!

In terms of inconvenience, there are many disabilities that can plague the human being a great deal more than being hard of hearing but it must rate as one of the most irritating and exasperating in terms of the confusion it causes. Both for the listener and the speaker too, who occasionally finds the response to their question as hardly lucid, never mind making sense.

Most people with severe hearing problems probably, without realising it, try to lipread the speaker’s lips which may help. Even the odd word or two, understood correctly, can give context to what is being conveyed in speech, as can facial expressions. Yet another reason for hoping coronavirus, or it’s like, never again reaches the proportions of 2021/22. It is almost impossible to pick up any clues from a face protected by a mask. Lipreading is a technique to aid speech understanding by watching the movement of lips, face and tongue when their accompanying sound is not sufficiently loud or clear to hear.

The Leslie Edwards Trust is offering the opportunity to train as a lipreading tutor by offering a professional qualification which involves a one-year distance learning course. 

The cost of course fees, travel and books will be covered, tutors are freelance and paid an hourly rate. The post involves teaching several two-hour sessions weekly.

Angela Reddaway
lips-3 Please contact
or contact Jenny on 07889 544997

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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