Summer 2023 - Issue 172
Barrow Voice Facebook

What happens at the Hormone Café?


Barrow Hormone Café was created as a safe place to discuss all things periods, perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

There is a Facebook group BUT the most important aspect is the monthly meet ups we arrange where women can get together, share their experiences, ask questions and share their own best practice.

When we set up the Hormone Café it was to allow those who gathered to be seen and heard as often hormonal challenges are seen as an inconvenience and a made-up malady by others, including unfortunately some doctors and this can leave the woman feeling as if she is slowly “going mad”. By normalising and talking about the various symptoms and experiences all the women have, we can start to feel more empowered.

Those who have attended have found it beneficial to share their experiences and listen to those of others, sharing hints and tips for navigating the menstrual cycle, perimenopause and menopause. We have also been fortunate to have Dr Carolyn Eddleston of Cycles of Change host a few sessions for us too.

We have discussed everything from self-care, to pelvic floor dysfunction, supporting daughters, granddaughters and teenagers as well as the many symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. You can share as much as you want or simply listen and take the shared wisdom away.

Emily (co-founder of the café) and I will be putting a timetable together for the rest of the year so you can put the dates in your diary, simply contact one of us for the dates and how to book or come and see us at The Hall Orchard Summer Fayre on the 1st July. Plus, Emma at Freckles will have a list of dates for those we will be hosting there.

Mairi Taylor

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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