Autumn 2024 - Issue 177

Feeling all at Sea?

Call in at The Harbour Wellbeing Café

We’ve all done this, pass someone we know and the brief conversation goes something like this:

“Eh up, you alright?”
“Yeah, you?”
“Yeah, good thanks”

The reality is we might not be alright and we’re not feeling good!

Of course, it might not be an appropriate place or time to discuss our issues and concerns, but why do we bottle stuff up?

It could be that we just don’t know how to answer, what to do or who to ask. Perhaps we think that nobody is interested or cares. Embarrassment, guilt or shame hold us back and we put on a brave face.

he proverbial saying 'A problem shared is a problem halved' expresses the idea that, when faced with difficulties, it is useful to talk to someone about them.

Maybe our fear is that a problem shared with the wrong person, at the wrong time and with the wrong intentions is a problem escalated.

The Harbour Wellbeing Café, held every Thursday at Barrow Baptist Church, is a safe place where you can come and just be you. Since it started in September last year, it’s been a welcoming space for everyone – whether they’re just wanting a chat and refreshments with others or need a private chat about a troubling issue.

Volunteer host at The Harbour, Chris Budd, says, “We’re here to listen, to help, and not to judge. We’re not experts but we can point you towards appropriate help if needed.” Chris and his wife Elaine host The Harbour, assisted by volunteers.

Barrow Baptist’s minister, Reverend Neil Jones, says: “The Harbour [Wellbeing Café] has been a real blessing to me as it helps me to connect with people from across the village. I’ve had some really interesting conversations with people and been able to sit and listen when someone just wants to talk. One lady came for a few weeks running and was suffering severely from anxiety; I didn’t see her for a while and then bumped into her again and she was much better – I feel that The Harbour was part of her healing process. Chris and Elaine, along with the other volunteers make everyone feel welcome and are always quick to rustle up a cuppa and a piece of cake. There are usually 10 – 15 people there, so it’s nice and calm. I find this space very helpful and love to be there.”

Leicestershire County Council has awarded Barrow Baptist Church the status of a “Mental Health Friendly Place” and some volunteers have had mental health First Aid training. The Harbour works alongside the Soar Valley Food Project and Soar Valley Community Money advice.

It is open every Thursday from 1.30pm to 4pm at Barrow Baptist, Beveridge Street. Everyone is welcome. There is no charge for anything, though if you’d like to make a donation you can.

Chris and Elaine Budd

Barrow Voice is published by Barrow upon Soar Community Association.(BUSCA) Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial committee or the Community Association.

Barrow Community Association is a registered Charity No: 1156170.

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