As part of Barrow upon Soar Parish Council’s VE Day 80th Anniversary Celebrations we are inviting residents over the age of 65 years to a VE Day 80th Anniversary Tea Party.
The tea will be served at 1.00pm in the Trinity Rooms at the Holy Trinity Church, Church Street on Friday 9th May 2025.
In order to secure your place, you must register your name and address with the Parish Council by Friday 25th April 2025. Places are limited so book early to guarantee your place. A ticket will then be posted out to you.
You can register on 01509 416016 or email or by post to 12 High Street, Barrow upon Soar. Please advise of any dietary requirements.
We do hope that you will be able to join us in our celebrations.
Sadly, some of our High Street Christmas tree motif lights are coming to the end of their life. We are investigating alternative options to replace the tree motifs. If you have any ideas that you would like to suggest please share them with us.
Don’t forget that the Barrow Youth Hang Out, run by Blaze City, is being held in Freckles Coffee Shop, 9 High Street, LE12 8PY, every Wednesday evening from 5.30pm – 7pm.
Come and have a hot chocolate, chill out, be yourself and be safe.
The volunteers that do an amazing job keeping Jerusalem Island looking so beautiful are looking for new helpers to continue their fantastic work. If you are interested, please contact the Parish Council on 01509 416016 or email
Did you know Barrow upon Soar has a page on the Naturespot website – If you are a keen ecologist or have spotted an unusual species in Barrow upon Soar let us know and we can add it to the page.